about us
in my relentless pursuit for achieving the perfect brazilian bikini wax, I searched the world trying out every well known waxing system out there, from australia to france—no dice! one day while in my kitchen making caramel, I had an epiphany: "craft your own yummy small batch wax silly girl!"
…and so candy coat beauty™ was born.
candy coat beauty was born out of the art of candy making and the relentless pursuit for the ultimate hard wax—low temperature, didn¹t stick to the skin, would shrink wrap the hair ensuring little-to-no hair breakage and wasn't made from ingredients that could barely be pronounced!
candy coat beauty offers yummy small batch depilatory waxes, sugar paste & skincare products for safe and effective hair removal. made by an aesthetician for aestheticians
—who want the very best!
—who want the very best!